Milk and Diapers for Local Old Folks Home

EK corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs and initiatives are led by the CEO of Eric Keok Empire Sdn. Bhd., Mr Eric Keok.
Part of our company profit goes out to our local (Malaysian) orphanages, old folks and to international organizations that help orphans and street-kids around the world. 
"The world is a better place if we help each other." - Eric Keok, CEO of EK.

09 August 2021

It has been more than 500 days since Malaysia's first lockdown on 18th March 2020. The cases are still high, and to curb the spread of the virus, Malaysia's lockdown will still be extended. In this pandemic, people are losing their lives and jobs. Thank you to everyone who has been continuously supporting EK, and we will do whatever we can to help. 

We are glad that we are able to help, and will continue doing so! 

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